One day you find out that your husband is cheating on you, and it seems that life is over. Pain, rage, misunderstanding - a mixture of feelings and a complete lack of idea about further actions. The first thing that comes to mind is divorce, revenge, scandal. Yes, at this moment neither the mind nor the heart understands how destructive it is. So the first thing to do is to cool down. Only being in balance with yourself can you make quality decisions. Believe me, there is always a chance to save relationships and even improve them!
❗️ Calmness after betrayal, only calmness!
Moving away from the first shock, it's time to calm down. You can, of course, give vent to feelings, make a scandal and even tear your hair out. But what is the end result? Damage to health and beauty.
Take a shower and meditate. Water will wash away the feeling of dirt and resentment. You will immediately feel that it will become easier to survive the betrayal. The shower can be contrasting, just warm.
Choose the most comfortable place for yourself in your home, turn off all means of communication, put on pleasant music (it's good if it is a vinyl record with a characteristic sound only for it) and completely relax. Imagine how a light breeze caresses your skin or cool sea water touches your ankles. Everyone has their own ideas. It is important to achieve deep relaxation, which will help you get away from pain and understand how much beauty is around.
❗️ Let go of the pain of betrayal
Yes, it's difficult. And the more emotional and impressionable person, the more difficult. But you are the queen, and you can do everything. Choose the technique that suits you and let go of the pain of betrayal in a relationship:
▪️ take a sheet of paper and write down all your feelings that torment your soul: “why me”, “how could he”, “how to live”, “I will kill both”, and so on. Now burn this sheet and imagine how all the negativity and pain burn out, how pure it becomes in the soul;
▪️ diary of emotions. Write down all your emotions during the day, and then read aloud and analyze. Surely you will find exaggerations: "I think about this horror every minute," but in fact, "I often remember betrayal." A trifle, but it is able to put things in order in thoughts;
▪️ Write on a piece of paper all your virtues, give yourself a compliment. But do not write in the context of comparison with someone. Just praise yourself in writing. This will boost your self-esteem and help you let go of the pain.
You can combine different options until you feel the pain go away. Finally, buy a bunch of balloons and release them. You will definitely succeed!
❗️ Trying to figure out what to do if the husband cheated
Now, when the soul has become calmer, you can think about how to live on - together or apart. In this case, a pen and a piece of paper will also help. Write all the advantages of living together in one column (that is, what you will lose if you leave) and the advantages of your possible departure from the traitor (what you will gain).
Surely, in the first column there will be children, arranged life, joint property, mutual friends, picnics and traditions that have developed during their life together. In the second column, most likely there will be freedom, the search for new housing (and possibly work), ship dismantling, adaptation to a new life, explanations with relatives and friends. Finally, pride, a sense of humiliation, a desire for revenge.
Think about what is more important for you - to lose everything because of one mistake of your husband and thereby allow your mistress to steal "your", or your personal ambitions. Remember how you lived before you found out about your husband's infidelity, analyze the "before" and "after". This will help in making a decision. Most importantly, don't rush.
❗️ Candid conversation with husband
After considering the current situation, find the strength to talk with your husband without tantrums and reproaches. Believe that the man is also worried and does not know how to do the right thing. The fear of accusations and scandals only enslaves him. Only a calm, respectful conversation will allow you to understand the feelings of your husband, his intentions, and you will realize your desire to save the relationship or terminate it.
It is not necessary to have a conversation at home. It can be dinner at a restaurant or a walk in your favorite park where your feelings were once born. It is very important that the surroundings relax, return to the pleasant emotions experienced together. This will allow each of you to appreciate and understand what you may be missing. Even if the husband went to his mistress, it will be easier for you to understand how to behave, whether you should come to terms with your husband’s betrayal and be ready to live without reproaches and accusations, or start everything from scratch.
Remember that revenge, negativity, is a destructive energy that will not return a husband, love, and will not punish a thief. Leave this work for higher energy, and love and take care of yourself. You never know where you will find, where you will lose.
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