how can you solve a quarrel in a relationship?
id: 10045906
Dear men, it is a pleasure to welcome those who read my blog. For a very long time I wanted to discuss the topic of conflicts and quarrels in relationships. What do you think, is it relevant? Would you like to discuss it?😚

How do you think you can solve the conflict in the relationship? Actually, it's really simple. ,,Fight together against the problem, but not with each other," Have you heard this expression?

1. Don't criticize each other🤫
Even in the midst of a quarrel, when it is hard to think clearly, try to take a deep breath and remember that your significant other is on your side. Always support each other, even if you don't agree on something.

2. communicate with each other😍
Listen to your partner not just to say something back, but to understand. Do not judge, try to look at the situation through the eyes of your other half. Most importantly, maintain respect for one another.

3.Be prepared to make sacrifices😉
True love is attention, discipline, constant effort and the ability to make sacrifices, even when you don't agree with each other.

A healthy happy relationship involves sometimes having to do things you don't like to please your partner, and being willing to make those sacrifices.

Love and good luck finding your relationship, everyone!❤