Easter traditions.
id: 10035233
What kind of food symbolizes the feast?

1. Passover

Traditionally, the Passover is baked on Thursday, because doing it on Friday is considered a great sin. It is said that if you bake the Passover on Friday, it will not rise, and this will have a negative impact on the future of the whole family: during the year the family will be haunted by bad luck and even probably one of the relatives will die.

2. Painted Eggs

Another special tradition was the painting of eggs. From ancient times, painted eggs were considered a symbol of rebirth of life, nature, and the sun. In the past, eggs were painted with natural materials. Homemade paints from the bark and fruits of trees, herbs and flowers were used. Each type of egg decoration had its own name.

3. Easter basket.

It was obligatory to collect an Easter basket at church. Usually its content differs from region to region of Ukraine and has its own peculiarities. The only unchanged attribute remains the Easter cake. In Central Ukraine, in addition to Easter eggs in the shells were put into the basket, and in Galicia they were cleaned. In Hutsulschyna people blessed the water in which the eggs were boiled: according to the belief, if a person washes with this water, his face will be clean and healthy. In some regions they also consecrated water with red pysanka to wash their faces for beauty.

One day I would like to spend Easter day together with my beloved man and learn about our traditions together!