This is a story from the time when i was in Russia :) young director courses
id: 10050358

Recently, at the script courses, where I went for fun, they gave me a task ... the teacher, apparently having received an order from the federal channel, decided to use the fresh brains of the newly minted screenwriters and threw the job to us .... Well, this is a common practice in Russian cinema. 😏
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So the task: to write an application for a series where the main character, a woman 35-40 years old, suffered a lot, well, as it should be in Russia. She tolerated her asshole husband, who of course beat her, drank, and cheated, of course, well, not systematically, and sometimes, on holidays, so it seems not to find fault with the essence))). She endured it for a long time, probably for the sake of the child and for the sake of what everyone endures, and what's better for me? And society will condemn (Valka does not have a husband at all, she would be glad to anyone) and it's scary to start from scratch, and the child will certainly suffer "fatherlessness" without a folder. The folder will quickly make a new family for itself, a bad thing, simple! πŸ˜…
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Well, in general, the history of any Russian TV series of the federal channel and 99% of Russian women.
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And it seems clear why the channels order this stuff, because the audience is this shit to watch! The Russian audience will watch, suffer with the heroine, wind snot on her fist and think, "well, I'm not so bad yet. At least mine hasn't been beating for the last couple of weeks and doesn't go to Masha anymore," And the
's rating soars up! Prime-time advertising prices are rising and everything is in the black!
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In general, a sad trend in general, but the post of the Soviet space strongly responds to all women! 🀦🏻 ♀ ️ πŸ™„ and the worst thing is that with such propaganda of such a way of life- there are simply no hopes for changes in the foundations of male-female relations!
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I sat, thought, and bang myself on the forehead 🀦🏻 ♀ ️ "so my story will probably be more interesting than all the others, and most importantly, all the conditions are met πŸ˜‚ "
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So wait for the new action-packed series "A Woman in Trouble" soon and most importantly, everything is based on real events πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ˜‚
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Well, do you want the story of my life as it is? Without Instagram filters? 🀣
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