Five unexpected facts about love and relationships
id: 10048049
Researchers' answers may surprise you. I've compiled the most common false stereotypes about love and romantic relationships.

1. Our ideal of beauty is very changeable.👩🏻👩🏻‍🦰👨🏻🧔🏻‍♂️
Today online dating is one of the most common ways to meet a future wife or husband. But your profile is just one of a million others, and the thought seems rather unpleasant.
Studies show, though, that the attractiveness of a face depends a lot on the photo we saw in front of it. If we found it attractive, the next user's photo will look attractive, too.
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Thus, when our face is among the many carefully selected photos of other members of the social network, it only benefits us.
An advantage is also the fact that viewing profiles in mobile dating apps tends to be very fast.
And this is where the "quick glance" effect comes into play, meaning that the less we look at a face, the more attractive it seems to us.

As scientists explain, it makes us look at the photo more closely, and thus we will not miss our potential match.

2. Opposites do not always attract🔥🧊
Certain personality traits are an asset to a relationship, whether both partners have them or just one. These are primarily benevolence and low neuroticism.
For some other personality traits, however, the combination of these traits in partners is important.
For example, anxious personalities with a fear of being abandoned get more pleasure out of a relationship with a partner with a similar character.
It is also good for relationships when both partners are either larks or owls.

However, seeing a reflection of some of your own traits in your other half is not always conducive to a relationship. This primarily applies to such a trait as conscientiousness.
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If one partner is more disciplined and prefers planned rather than spontaneous behavior, the relationship is well affected. Obviously, such a couple makes up for each other's shortcomings.

3. Yes, marriage makes you happier - but not forever 👫💍😔
Couples who are good for each other usually get married afterwards. But what does that mean for your personality - and your enjoyment of life?
Studies show that marriage changes a person's character.
A four-year observation of more than 15,000 Germans showed that after marriage, people became less open to experience and less communicative. And this can indeed be confirmed by the friends of many newlyweds.
⁉️- Does marriage change our character ?
On the other hand, married survey participants noted that they had improved self-control skills and learned to be more forgiving, which is obviously an important trait for long-term relationships.
However, this is just people's own opinion, which their other half may not agree with.

As for the arrogance of married couples, this effect does exist and is related to the fact that newlyweds do consider themselves happier than their single friends-at least for a while.
Satisfaction with life increases for many people after marriage, but tends to return to the same level after a few years.

4. Divorce changes your personality💍💔
However, the end of a long-term relationship also affects personality.
For example, studies involving middle-aged people have shown that women become more open and communicative after divorce.
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On the other hand, men experience divorce harder. They tend to become more neurotic and insecure.
Both men and women become less reliable after a divorce.
The breakup of a long-term relationship affects a person's personality, but it also depends on their character how they cope with the dramatic changes in their lives.
Extroverts often remarry, while neurotics tend to have a number of short-lived relationships.

5. Polyamores are more likely to have safe sex 🔞🔥🛡
Monogamy, of course, is not the only relationship option. Polyamory - romantic relationships involving more than two people - is becoming more common.
Unlike monogamous marriages, polyamorous relationships do not involve adultery - new romantic relationships are initiated openly and with the consent of the partner.
Studies show that polyamores have stronger friendships outside of love life than monogamous couples.
One study online also found that people who are in polyamorous relationships are more likely to have safe sex.
However, if you are not inclined to be in a love relationship with more than one person at a time, don't feel bad - you haven't lost anything.
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People prone to polyamory are actually just more open to many relationships, including friendships.
In addition, studies have shown that polyamorous people in general feel neither less nor happier than couples in monogamous relationships.