After a while, you will feel lightness, freedom and will wonder "Why didn't I do this before?", but it's not so easy to get to this stage. Many break down already at the stage of making a decision about parting and the need to organize a new life. And others are looking for a pill that will help to forget and ease mental anguish. And often this pill becomes a new relationship.
And there are several reasons for this:
1. banal longing for the past. No matter how bad it is in a relationship, sadness cannot be avoided. The negative is forgotten, acquires a more positive color, at some point inevitably there is a craving for the usual, old way of life - the so–called comfort zone;
2. subconsciously, you will always draw a parallel between the old and the new boyfriend / passion. For the reason mentioned above, you will miss the past, and the comparison will most likely be in favor of such an understandable, native, albeit imperfect, partner. This is not only a ordeal for you, but also a drop in self-esteem for a new candidate for the heart;
3. anxiety, pain, hysterical state and panic that accompany almost every breakup, you will drag into a new relationship. Let's be honest, not every man/woman will agree to carry this load with you. After all, everyone wants lightness and pleasant emotions, and there are enough problems in their own reality;
4. being at the peak of emotions when parting, it is very difficult to adequately assess your feelings, and a new relationship can become a global mistake. It is better to give yourself time to cool down and look at the situation from the outside. Very often, exes come together again, and their passions become completely disgusting. And not everyone will accept you after such a spree. Therefore, chasing two hares, you can be left with nothing.
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