Mothers day!
id: 10045374

The idea to dedicate a day to celebrate the unity of the mothers in the struggle for peace was proposed by pacifist Julia Ward Howe in 1872 godu🤗. In 1907, a young American woman, Anna Jarvis of West Virginia launched an initiative honoring mothers in the memory of his mother, Anna Marie Reeves Jarvis, who fought for the development of the US health care and prematurely left the zhizni🥺. Anna wrote letters to government agencies, legislative bodies, prominent individuals with a proposal to one day a year devoted to honoring materey🙏.

Her efforts were crowned with success - in 1910 Virginia first recognized Mother's Day as an official holiday. In 1912 it was created the International Association of Mother's Day to spread the conscious celebration of dnya🙏. Since 1914, this festival has received official status in SSHA😇.

In Ukraine, the feast of the children traditionally give tsvety🌸, konfety🍬, postcards and memorabilia suveniry😍, mothers devote poems or pesni🥰. At the same time congratulate the women not only their children - their husbands and give gifts to their mothers detey🤩.
