Wow... prohibitions? is it even possible?
id: 10044828

1. Defile around the city in a bathing suit or swimming trunks will cost 120 €.
2. If you want to wet your towel or wash fruit under a beach shower, prepare 750 €.
3. For one sip of beer in a public place, you will have to pay from 500 €.
4. Traveling without a ticket in public transport will deprive you of 100 €.
5. In Spain, a non-smoking girl buys cosmetics at a 30 percent discount.
6. In Spain it is legal not to go to work if you run out of toothpaste.
7. In Spain, a woman on her birthday is given a 40% discount in any clothing store.
8. In Spain, if you can't pay your fare on public transport, you have to dance salsa for the driver.
9. In Spain, you have the right to beat up a waiter if he spills a drink on you.
10. In Spain, girls with higher education have the right to have breakfast at McDonald's for free.
