Many marriages fall apart because the spouses do not know how to build a relationship. Two adults share responsibilities that help to strengthen the family. And yet, the main responsibility for the family is borne by the man. He earns the money, provides the family with housing, and raises the children. And family members should be grateful to him for this and respect him.
The woman is mainly engaged in household chores and also raises children.
If agreements are negotiated in advance, there will be fewer conflicts in the family.
To solve family problems in a constructive way, it is necessary to know the responsibilities of the spouses, which always remain the same.
Of course, it is best not to share this status of "Head of the family (relationship)" and not to pull the "blanket over himself. If you have a loved one living with you, that's happiness. Why do you have to manage it, to push him or her under your heel, to insist on your decision only? Isn't it better to sit down at the table in the evening, pour yourself a cup of tea, and think about how to solve this problem? No, it is accepted, of course, that all the problems solve the man. But if your girlfriend or wife considers it oppression, solve problems together.
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