Does a man really choose a woman who looks like his mother?
id: 10048885

Of course, this theory is often confirmed in practice. But not always. After all, with all our attention to the external features of others, we do not love them at all for this. Otherwise, all the beautiful girls would be married. But this is not so at all. In fact, the psychotype of a person that allows him to create a certain aura around himself is much more important.

And this aura determines the mood of the interlocutor in our presence. This is especially important for men when choosing a life partner. A man chooses not a woman, but his condition next to her, no matter how cynical it may sound!

If a man felt comfortable with his mother as a child, then he will look for this comfortable state next to a woman. Even if his mother had a very domineering character, but at the same time the parents' relationship developed into a happy marriage, it is quite possible that he will be fine with such a woman.

But the opposite effect also happens. Let's say the mother had a domineering character, and the parents' relationship collapsed, and the son became completely afraid of women. What will he be like in adulthood? It is very likely that he will look for a "gray mouse", compensating for childhood experiences. In real life, both of the described options occur.

Thus, it is absolutely impossible to say that a man always chooses a woman who looks like his mother. At the same time, it is completely true that the mother plays an important role in the subsequent choice of a man, and which one can be understood only in a specific case.
