Will there be your advice??
id: 10050514

Today I went to the store in a great mood and to tell the truth, I was surprised ...
when I went outside, nothing foreshadowed trouble... WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW?? WHAT SHOULD I DO?

I was able to bypass many shops in the city, the prices of products were incredibly high, but I managed to find a suitable option to buy not much...

When I was walking home, the sun began to set and I saw that I was being followed by a strange man! My worries were not in vain, the one who was following me stopped me when I reached home, he told me to give him the groceries or he would harm me...

So I had to give away the last I had... Now I don't know what to do... what should I do? What should I do? Where can I get food for living now...

I'm in despair, I didn 't know that there are evil people now !
