Unrequited feelings will never bring happiness.
id: 10048836

Imagine the situation: you have good news and you came to tell it to a person who means a lot to you, you just really want to share it with him. Tell, smile, eyes burn. And he is silent, there is not a shadow of a smile on his face in response, his look is contemptuous, cold. And you cut off your story in mid-sentence, the smile disappears, the stars in your eyes fade, and there is only one desire - to leave quietly. No, you didn’t expect anything special, didn’t demand praise, and they didn’t even drive you away, but simply didn’t smile back, but you understand how you are not needed, how it’s not the right time for you yourself, and your stupid joy that you brought in vain .

What am I all for?
Unrequited feelings will never bring happiness. Love, tenderness, care should be needed by the person for whom you carry them in yourself. Otherwise, this is the path to disappointment and longing ...
