Dear men, we start with the fourth point how to write the perfect first message to your Ukraine girl:
4-Don’t focus on Ukraine girls’ looks.
A lot of the emails Ukraine girls get talk about how pretty they are. Like all women beautiful Ukraine girls like compliments, but it makes them uncomfortable if all you have to say to them is how pretty Ukraine women are . Ukrainian women have a mind and Ukrainian women have a personality. The emails Ukraine girls respond to the most are the emails that don’t even mention their looks. I know that some men find their/my looks attractive. But the women for marriage want a man who finds the rest of them attractive too!
5-Make sure your profile has a picture.
When Ukrainian women do write men back, they look at the list and only choose the ones who have a picture posted on the profile. This is not because they only write “hot” men but because profiles with no picture make them suspicious. It makes Ukrainian women for marriage think that you aren’t taking the process seriously. Any picture of you is fine. Don’t know how to post a picture to your profile? Find out. Ukraine ladies did, why can’t you?
The reason I and other Ukrainian women, joined a dating site is to meet men. So we, Ukraine ladies, would love to go on a date–if a man makes the right impression with his first email. Think about what I’ve said and send a heartfelt, honest note….maybe beautiful Ukrainian women for marriage will be going out with you next!
Questions? If you have any questions, please just send me a mail! (s. here: Contact _Katarinka_)
Love, Katarina
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