How to become a fitness cutie
id: 10037854

The first step towards the goal is the development of charisma. Positive thinking, adequate self-esteem and the desire to achieve great results are the main qualities that you need to develop in yourself in order to achieve a beautiful figure.

The only effective means to achieve the goal is proper nutrition and sports.

Let's start with the diet. There are generally accepted rules that must be followed in order for you to have an amazing figure:
🌟 Do not eat 3-4 hours before bedtime. If hunger nevertheless overtook you at such a late time, you can drink a glass of kefir just before going to bed.
🌟 Monitor the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates
🌟 Limit consumption of flour products
🌟 Limit your intake of fatty and fried foods
🌟Drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily
🌟Reduce consumption of sweets. If you really want to, you can eat a small snack in the morning during breakfast
🌟Eliminate all fast food from the diet

Now let's talk about training. For each girl, a set of trainings is selected individually depending on the level of training, weight, health and individual preferences. Exercises should be distributed evenly to all muscle groups. After doing them, you should feel muscle fatigue, but it should not be excessive. To achieve high-quality results, spend the first few workouts with a professional instructor.


🌟Love yourself

Remember that you are exercising because you love yourself and want to get better. But not because you hate yourself and hope to love when you lose weight.

🌟Listen to yourself

This should become one of the main principles of your life. Only you can decide if you are comfortable or not. By listening to others, we often miss our opportunities.

🌟 Don't blame yourself for too much

Even if you ate a chocolate bar on a diet, you overate, there is nothing to worry about. The more we blame ourselves for food, the worse
I wish you all the best in achieving your goals.
If interested, how? To be continued……
