A little bit about self-esteem
id: 10044773

If you have low self-esteem, it is difficult for you to feel fulfilled and happy.

Here's how to understand how low your self-esteem is:

1. If you often compare yourself with other people not in your favor.

2. Feeling sorry for yourself. You are replaying unhappy moments from your past life in your head, and your consciousness is filled with thoughts about past insults and failures.

🤨3. You unconsciously choose men who treat you badly. Since you doubt the significance of your personality, you consider such a union quite normal.

💔4. You impose love, help and try to "earn" love.

🥰5. You think that there is nothing to love you for or it is so difficult that no one will want to be with you. Therefore, you do nothing to start a relationship, or you distance yourself from people.

6. You are afraid to make new acquaintances because you doubt how you will be accepted.

🤔7. You are concerned about what people think of you.

😉8. You postpone and delay important things, the implementation of plans, desires.

💖9. You are afraid to make a mistake and stand still because you are not sure that you will do everything perfectly.

😯10. You live in constant anxiety. It doesn't matter what it's about: communication, work, even rest.

11. You are afraid to refuse, even if you have to do something to your detriment.


This is probably the best attitude for life. After all, there is so little of it and you need to live it with pleasure.
I hug everyone and give a charge of energy and positivity❤❤❤
