Relationships... hard or easy?
id: 10044828

1. In any stable relationship, someone owes something to someone. Just when a person is in love, he fulfills all these “must” voluntarily and with pleasure.
Natalya Krasnova
2. Stroke each other against the "wool" and you will understand the true meaning of your relationship.
Piotr Kwiatkowski
3. In a confined space, human relationships tend to deteriorate.
Robert Sheckley
4. A normal person does not continue a relationship in which he is not respected. However, he won't even start them.
Mikhail Labkovsky
5. If you live for yourself, everyone else will be happy. And if you plow for the sake of someone, expecting gratitude, you yourself will be unhappy and you will not wait for “thank you”.
Mikhail Litvak
