Infertile woman or delightful lover?
id: 10045906

Dear men, I need to ask you a very important question that has been bothering me for some time now. I would be very interested to know your opinion on this matter, so if you do not mind, give me an answer.

Have you often encountered a girl who can't have children? Is that a problem for you? Would you like to have children in your family or do you already have them?

Girls who can't have children also want to be loved. Could you give her all your love in a relationship or marriage? Do you know how such a girl is different from a normal girl? She can give her whole self to the man she loves. Not spreading herself out over children and family, but giving as much attention to the man as he will need. That's a great perk, isn't it?

Love to all and good luck in your search for your soul mate.
