You can talk about love until you encounter it personally, and it does not penetrate your blood
id: 10043632

Love is the strongest addiction, the inability to breathe otherwise. You can talk wisely on various topics, read books all your life, listen to Chopin, go to the theater and absolutely know exactly what is right and what is not, but as soon as our heart ignites and the mind turns off. It would seem that the most restrained, most calm person becomes capable of such actions, from which even the inveterate madman has a chill on his skin - what people will not do for the sake of love. A man in love is a blind man, a defenseless puppy, a naive idiot, for whom the Universe is closed on one thought - if only the loved one was there so that he could be touched, seen, heard, smelled, bitten, choking with tenderness and delight.
A feeling of happiness, absolutely round and hot like the sun. And without it, the whole world ceases to exist. There is cold, despair, darkness. It's amazing how quickly the mind, even among the wisest, loses ground and fades into the background when it comes to true feelings. What remains is the heart that dictates and leads. Often to a complete loss of intellectual activity. You can talk about love until you encounter it personally, and it does not penetrate your blood, - after that you are a weak-willed puppet in its capable hands. You can beat yourself in the chest with your fist and say that 'Yes, I never! , but in fact a person is biology, chemistry and instincts. Instincts that no one else has had the strength to resist.
