According to the composition, all juices can be divided into three categories.
1. Fruits dominated by vitamin C. In addition, such fruits contain vitamins A and B, as well as fiber and sugars. Citrus fruits, many berries, tomatoes, cabbage belong to this category.
2. Fruits in this group are high in vitamins A and B2. These are carrots, apricots, melons.
3. Fruits that contain mainly B vitamins: celery, apples, pears, grapes, onions.
The number of various fruits and vegetables from which you can make juice is simply huge. Juices can be fruit, vegetable, berry and herbal. At the same time, vegetable juices have the lowest calorie content. Their bland taste is due to a low sugar content and a high content of mineral salts.
Fruit juices have the most calories, while they also best remove harmful substances from the body and wholesale juice sales will help you choose a large selection of your favorite drinks.
Berry juices are placed between fruit and vegetable in terms of calories, however, in comparison with the latter, they have a much higher concentration of vitamins.
Despite the fact that herbal juices are not inferior to others in their properties, they are the least popular. First of all, this is due to their taste qualities. At the same time, the juices of parsley, celery or dandelion are not only preventive, but medicinal.
One of the useful properties of almost all natural juices is that they perfectly help in the fight against excess weight. This applies only to natural juices, since reconstituted juices contain much more sugar.
Natural juices are part of many diets, and especially mono diets. Even during the most strict diets, nutritionists recommend using such juices as a source of vitamins and macronutrients. At the same time, you need to understand that you cannot drink juices uncontrollably.
They must be consumed immediately after pressing. The fruits should be clean, fresh and ripe. It is better to use juices a quarter of an hour before meals. The maximum daily volume of juices consumed should not be more than two liters, and for some types even less.