It's not that life is not fair - it you have the wrong conception of justice!
id: 10045374

Rule №1: All life - the struggle, the competition

Biznesom🤔 you do? - Someone wants to destroy it. Rabota🤔 you like? - Someone wants to replace you by a computer program. You strive for boyfriend, girlfriend, paid work, the Nobel Prize? - All other tozhe😁.

We are competing all the time, even though we do not want to talk about it. Many of the achievements can be assessed only against the background of how it turns out at the other: you better swim, dance better, you have a Facebook likes longer than srednem😅. Amazing.
This is certainly uncomfortable to admit, but we constantly compare ourselves with others. We are told: "Just show me what you can do." Or: "Your main competitor - is you." But the whole point of these platitudes that they invented in order to still make you put as much as possible usiliy😱. If competitiveness did not really matter, we would advise children fighting just sdatsya🥺.

Fortunately for us, we do not live in a world where everyone is to succeed, it is necessary to cut each glotku😱. The advantage of modern civilization - in the abundance of opportunities, which is enough to make ends meet without immediate konkurentsii🤭.

However, you should never give in to the collective deception, if any struggle is not conducted. People dress up to get partnera😔. People come to the interview to win rabotu😒. If you deny the existence of competition, you just lose. All that is in demand, is the subject of competition. And the best gets to someone who really wants to do it.
