Crisis in relationships
id: 10043208

No matter how perfect and harmonious the relationship is, sooner or later the moment of crisis comes....
The Japanese say: "If in your life there has not been any crisis that is difficult to survive, you should buy these experiences for a lot of money."
Experiencing a crisis, we gain new experience, we learn more about ourselves and the world around us. And knowledge is collected in grains, and no grain is superfluous ...
And how the crisis will pass and what experience will be gained depends only on the partners themselves.
It depends on how each of them is determined to solve this crisis. Depends on how strong their desire to maintain the relationship.
Relationships can be compared to the waves of the sea. The wave grows, rises, gains strength and at its peak there is a crisis. But after that there is invariably a lull - a period of adaptation to new changes.
And if the partners are aimed at maintaining relations, then after the crisis, such relations only become stronger and move to a new level.
Wisdom is not given to a person from birth, wisdom is an experience acquired in difficult situations, with which an understanding of life comes.
Love, like wisdom, does not come immediately...
True love is revealed when partners, no matter what, jointly overcome all the difficulties of the crisis...
