relationships with an age difference, advantages and disadvantages
id: 10038069

💋✅Relationships with an age difference, advantages and disadvantages✅💋

When there is an age difference in a couple, it is not always positively perceived by others.
Some people believe that peers understand each other better and their views on solving everyday problems are more likely to coincide.
Others are convinced that the age difference is not so important, the determining factor for a good marriage is sincere love.

💋✅Man is older than the woman✅💋: pros
The most common variant of different-age marriage. It has a number of advantages:

✅❗Stable financial situation of the family. As a rule, a mature man has already achieved some success in his career and has saved up for his own home or at least has the ability to pay the rent of a good apartment. The girl in this case chooses a job that she likes, rather than having to bring in more money;
✅❗The hardened character of the man. In many situations, a mature man behaves more confidently, which is pleasing to both spouses. In this case, the young girl feels protected and a strong shoulder, and the husband feels his importance as the head of the family;
✅❗A sober attitude towards planning children. In young couples, a child is not always the result of a thoughtful decision. Yes, and paternal feelings of a young man is not always as strong and solid, as I would like a spouse. A mature man becomes a more responsible father, more often showing a desire to help raise the child.

💋✅Man older than a woman✅💋: disadvantages
The disadvantages of such relationships include:

✅❗The perception of the girl as a concubine. Even if acquaintances will not say it to your face, behind the back there may still be rumors that the young spouse just found a financially profitable option;
The likelihood of adultery. A man in his 30s loses out to a younger guy in terms of intimacy. Indeed, his advantage is experience. But this is important only at the beginning of married life;
Difficulties in finding a compromise. This is often the fault of the spouse. He thinks he is right because of more life experience. Although he does think correctly on many issues, this still does not please the young chosen one. She feels pressure from his side and unwillingness to consider women's interests.

✅❗There is nothing wrong with unequal marriages if they are based on love. People will quickly run out of things to talk about the "girl who married a wealthy widower" or the couple in which the husband looks more like a son to a mature woman. These rumors will be replaced by a respectful attitude if everyone observes sincere feelings and touching care for each other.

❗❗So it doesn't matter what the age difference between the spouses is. The path to marital happiness depends mainly on their willingness to solve problems together, provide mutual support and tolerate each other's shortcomings.❗❗

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