Like everything in the world, love obeys special subtle laws. Knowing and observing them, you can maintain a harmonious union and even “reformat” problematic relationships. Let's start with seven simple principles from which real, mature, deeply satisfying love grows.
Cause and investigation
The age-old truth: “Treat others the way you want to be treated” works perfectly in a relationship with a loved one. Be sincere and kind to each other, talk more about your feelings, needs, desires. Let the words "I love you" sound as often as possible. And if there are disagreements, discuss them openly and honestly.
Multiplication of love
Surprisingly, the more you give love, the stronger the feeling of both partners becomes. Even the energy of the space around the couple is changing, which is well captured by people with a fine mental organization.
Spray love, don't be afraid to be generous. Love, like a sunset, is woven from thousands of shades and halftones. Tenderness, care, acceptance, sincerity, sympathy, support, approval - give them to your partner every day, and he will love you more.
Like attracts like
They say that the shortcomings that irritate most in other people are in ourselves (only we diligently suppress them and even naively believe that we have already outlived this vice in ourselves). So if you come across “the wrong person” over and over again, look inside yourself. It has been proven that if you change yourself, the world around you changes.
Trust vs jealousy
Have you noticed how easy it is with a person who trusts you? This attitude brings us into the space of freedom and conveys the most important message: you are good, you are worthy, I believe you.
On the contrary, jealousy becomes torture for both partners, plunges into a constant state of tension and depression. Trust is love. Jealousy is possessiveness, give it up.
Word magic
Modern psychologists will confirm that the power of the word is truly great. There are examples when a kind word transformed a person, and a reproach thrown in the hearts left an incurable wound in the soul.
Be careful with words, especially during a quarrel! It is better to take a break and cool down than to regret later insults and unfair suspicions said in the heat of the moment.
And vice versa - words of support, approval, attention are necessary for relationships, like water for a flower.
Touch magic✨
They say we need at least seven hugs a day to feel good. But even the usual touch of a loved one improves the emotional state, relieves stress, improves the functioning of the immune system.
Here are some practical tips:
Hug your partner before leaving for work for at least twenty seconds;
- hold hands more often;
Give each other a neck and shoulder massage (especially when you're tense or upset).
And in general, as often as possible, gently touch each other.
Freedom is air. Once in a "toxic" relationship, where one partner tyrannizes and limits the other, a person suffocates and withers away. There is no question of any personal happiness here. It is necessary to develop sensitivity and flexibility in oneself in order to see in another a full-fledged personality with its own view of the world and the right to make responsible decisions.
Freedom is another facet of true love.
This is just my view on this issue, which I do not impose on anyone, and in the next post I will continue this topic.
What do you think about this? Do you agree with these principles?
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