Love at a distance
id: 10047574

If it works, but there are certain factors that influence the success or failure of long distance love, the maturity of each one and knowing that each one is committed to the couple, it is clear to everyone that it is more difficult and with greater obstacles, but if that person really has what it takes to assume that love, will see more unique and special moments that could happen, will have the patience, time, effort for that person you love so much, that talking with that person is composed of peace and tranquility for both, are solid foundations on which the relationship will be built, trust is also one of them, even very important for the couple, it will help the couple to have the best disposition to make things work between the two, many times or sometimes, a person may give their 30% for things that happen in your work environment, person, etc.. It is where the other person instead of turning their back can understand your situation and can improve it by giving their 70%, the important thing is the common interest so that it can influence that connection, chemistry that both will have to maintain a long distance relationship.

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