don't do this in a relationship
id: 10050512

There are unwritten rules in the relationship between a man and a woman. They are simple and lie on the surface. But, unfortunately, very often people violate them or simply do not know.

Do not hurry

You need to enjoy every moment of life, and not live in your thoughts and plans. Girls often sin by rushing things. Nothing good comes out of this. Both the wedding and the birth of children will have their turn. Rejoice that you have each other!

Don't Treat Relationships as Salvation

You don’t need to rely on the guy to save you from longing or make you happy. Of course, relationships make life more fulfilling. But at the same time, you need to work on yourself and improve yourself. By the way, this will also strengthen the relationship: if a girl is not only pretty, but also a holistic person, she becomes a hundred times more attractive to a man.

Don't be lazy

A man is the blacksmith of his own happiness, says folk wisdom. In fact, our relationship depends on us. They won't build themselves. In order for your romance to become promising, you need to work on it: listen to the opinion of the second half, take into account mutual interests, be generous and be responsible.

Don't hide your feelings

It happens that we are embarrassed to open our heart or afraid of pain, remembering previous experiences. But why be always cautious and sneaking around in a half-crouch? You need to change your attitude towards your past and be grateful for the lessons that life has given. And to a new relationship, turn around with wide-open eyes and even posture.

Don't hold a grudge

It is better at the very beginning of the relationship to agree that you will talk. And if one of you did something wrong, you need to say about it. And also explain that certain topics are difficult and painful for you. This is the path to mutual understanding.

Don't go against yourself

If in some matters you have to step over yourself, sooner or later you will explode from unfulfilled desires and the feeling that you are not living the way you want. You don't have to put yourself on the sacrificial altar. Indeed, in this way you can lose the respect of a man. Paradoxically, but true. Often women's victims, it turns out, were not needed by anyone.

Don't treat each other as constants

You should always remember that you did not appear in your life from your very birth. And each of you is free to leave. And therefore, you should not once again test a person for strength, throw tantrums and not take care of yourself. Every day you need to do so that you feel good with each other, bad and without each other maybe, appreciate each other❤️
