Self-confident women dedicate themselves to a career, but this does not mean that they cannot find a partner and start a happy family!
Many in their twenties now think about their own development and career, and not about starting a family. Most successful women start a family between 40 and 45, although this is most often due to panic that the chances of meeting their destiny are decreasing.
Dear ladies, do not be slaves of the biological clock! But what if you constantly hear their clatter? And now you are already next to a man ... He is not the best option, but he will “roll”. And you start to lower the bar. Do not do that! There are a whole bunch of decent men around you, you just need to learn to look in a different direction. Yes, the biological clock is a real fact, the ability to give birth to a healthy child begins to decrease from the age of 40, this is your tipping point.
And now you are already rushing at full speed to the courses on the development of femininity, imbuilding and pickup for women in order to have time to “grab” the male. And finally, when meeting such a “terminator”, men most often begin to run as fast as they can, feeling their worthlessness next to such a dominant. Or they go to the other extreme - they begin to humiliate such a woman, trying to protect their male ego, and if such a lady does not have a very good parental family or problems with her father's figure are not resolved, then she can get stuck in a long painful and extremely unhealthy relationship with such a man . “So smart, beautiful,” say her friends. “But he lives with a goat who does not appreciate it!”
Successful women often think that they should find an equally successful man, but practice shows that such couples have a high risk of divorce, as two dominant figures begin to compete with each other. But this does not mean that you should have a rag with you, rather a person who is able to provide support, attentive to emotions, responsible. It is very important for such a girl to find a guy who can appreciate her and contribute to her growth, encouraging him in every possible way. And what could be better than mutual support and mutual spiritual enrichment?
Where to find this Mr. Ideal? Decent men are full around you. Sometimes you need to take a step to evaluate your behavior. It is necessary that the so-called observing self be turned on, which will be able to evaluate not only your surroundings, but also how you sound, what emotions you evoke in people, what actions your voice, your posture invites.
Three important final thoughts:
Not a successful woman does not mean unsuccessful! This means that the girl chose a different life path for herself. It is no worse and no better than the way of successful women, it is different. It means more rest, more time for yourself and your needs, for family, loved ones, creativity ... for a healthy eight hours of sleep, after all!
Some men adore successful women, considering them proof of their social status. And some, on the contrary, are afraid of them, feeling that their masculinity is under threat. This or that extreme testifies more about the personal problems of the man himself.
the floor should also watch the choice of a companion: the high status of your passion indicates her stress resistance, and also that your lady tolerates conflicts normally; she can be surrounded by good and useful connections, she can find and maintain them. Such a young lady can pull up a man without complexes to her level, and besides, you will never get bored with her, and this is far from the last quality when it comes to who to be in the same boat with in the middle of the ocean called life!
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