Many people think that everything can be bought with money! There is a stereotype that literally everything is bought and sold. However, there are things in our life that no treasure can buy. Money can buy material goods, mental well-being is not.
Can money buy love? Сannot be! A real, pure feeling cannot be acquired for any material price.
Friendship. Money can't buy kindness, good relation to tbe and support.
Time and life are the only irreplaceable resource. It is very easy to miss it and then regret about it throughout your life. With the help of money it is impossible to correct the mistakes made in the past, to return the person who was once there. If time is lost, there will be nothing left but to regret it.
Every minute is something you can never get back. This may seem painful, but it's true. No matter how advanced science or medicine is, at the moment there is no way to extend our lives. Money will never turn back the clock, so live in the moment and appreciate every day you get.
The truth cannot be hidden from oneself.
Talent is born with him. Yes, it can be developed, but you cannot buy natural data.
Harmony. Peace in the soul is that component that cannot appear just like that, out of nowhere. Harmony is possible only through continuous work on oneself. If a person is constantly afraid of something, fears something, suspects someone and does not trust anyone, it is unlikely that big money will save him from worries.
Health, alas, cannot be bought even for very big money.
Money can buy a house, but not a family.
Money can buy a bed, but not sleep.
Money can buy hours, but not time.
Money can buy a book, but not knowledge.
Money can buy food, but not appetite.
Money can buy position, but not honor.
Money can buy medicine, but not health.
Money can buy fancy clothes, but not beauty. Money can buy entertainment, but not happiness.
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