How to keep the passion in a relationship?
id: 10050745

And when you're both over 70, it's absolutely clear why passion is gone. But if passion has gone after 3-5, 10 years, then most likely you were just not attentive enough in the basic things with which the logs of love fall into the fire of passion.
As Shirvindt said, in my opinion: "My life became much more interesting after I sold the dacha and became impotent. I started living for myself." So, I suggest you make your life more interesting now, while your dacha is still standing tight.
So what do you need to have passion in your relationship to last as long as possible?

Upgrade Your Trust Credit💳🫂❤️

The very first moment that destroys passion and cuts it down completely is the loss of trust. What does trust mean? When you are just starting to get closer to your girlfriend, you really want to touch, kiss, caress, penetrate each other, get high from it, and the further into the forest, the more serious your relationship, the more shoals arise, including bodily plan. It turns out that someone slept with someone in parallel or something like that, and at the second when the jambs are opened, the level of trust, and with it the level of attraction, sharply decreases. It works automatically. This is not human trust in man, but body to body. And if there are problems here, then you need to work seriously on this topic, do analysis, spend a lot of time together, revisit all stages of seduction, and then trust can return. In the meantime, remember the main thing: trust is the foundation. It should never be broken, because it will destroy almost all the passion in your relationship.

Learn The Language Of Love🔠❤️

The second thing to identify and maintain in a relationship is your own language of love. There are couples in which the language of love is that it whips or binds her, she gets incredible pleasure from it, then they have some completely crazy sex for most people and it suits them. There are couples in which sex necessarily takes place in a pink room with candles and to the music of Enigma... And they only like it this way. And the language of love that you have must be cherished, maintained and protected very much. This only increases passion.

Come Up With Sexual Rituals🔞🛁🕯

One of the subparagraphs in the language of love is rituals that are only in your couple. For example, a friend of mine arranges a so-called Naked Saturday. Naked Saturday is when he and the girl lock themselves at home, where they walk naked all day, have sex, order food and just come off together and don't invite anyone else home. And this sexual ritual is what allows him to feel maximum intimacy in a relationship and what only they have, for everyone else this option is not available.

Make love like it's the last time 🔞

The next item is about the number of orgasms between you. It's important. When Jay-Z and Beyoncé were asked: "What is the secret of your long and strong relationship?", they replied that the only thing that always reconciles them is a large number of orgasms. If you or she can't satisfy each other in bed, sooner or later the passion will go away and you'll look for where to get these orgasms. Therefore, be puzzled by the technique of sex, but most importantly, have sex enthusiastically and passionately, do it for maximum pleasure of each other, and not just to "let off steam." As one of my acquaintances said, "you have to fuck so that the girl crawls away with difficulty and dreams of repeating it."

Synchronize Rhythms 🪘🔥🔞

There is another important thing that is not sufficiently covered. These are your rhythms.
For example, you're at the country house on weekends in the beds, and she wants sex on weekends, and you just don't match. Or you come later, she comes earlier, and when you come, she's already asleep. Due to the fact that you have different rhythms sexually, attraction drops a lot and passion disappears. And if you have equally much time for sexual rituals, then you will definitely be able to coolly stimulate each other and maintain passion regularly.
I highly recommend that you introduce rituals that you will definitely do several times a week, and then your personal life will become a kind of quest when you wait for the end of the working week on Friday not because you will not see your boss, but because on Friday you start some special ritual, and you play Little Red Riding Hood and Grey Wolf right in the kitchen on the table. Such rituals are something that will fill your life with passion and desire.
And today these are all my recommendations. I hope they will help you.
