by his eyes: why we are afraid of strong and independent women
id: 10050256

Male success only attracts the attention of the opposite sex. For the beautiful half of humanity, the situation is more complicated: their achievements even scare many of us.

🧿We do not like to compete in the family

It's no secret that any relationship always begins with a certain grinding. And one of the main reasons for the gap is a mismatch of characters. According to the latest VTsIOM opinion polls, 21% of divorces in Russia occur because of this. But now people are getting married who, as a rule, have already managed to live a little together, go on vacation and even make repairs.

Quite often, when a man makes the first attempts to get along with characters with a strong woman, then “get used to” turns into “measure”. It turns out that her mixture of will, determination and intelligence cuts his inner core. Joint life turns, at best, into constant measurements, who pisses higher on the wall, at worst, into the suppression of one of the partners. And then - you will be surprised - few of us like to constantly compete with our girlfriend or sacrifice our interests, so we leave - to the one who will look into our mouths.

🧿Can't handle envy

Envy, to be completely honest, also often interferes with the relationship between a man and a woman. Someone else's success does not always cause only bright feelings among those around and loved ones. Not everyone succumbs to this weakness, but it cannot be said that this is a rarity. While women are storming the corporate ladder or making their way in business, some men start to drive themselves into depression thinking about how unfairly they are getting everything.

Although they say that for the emergence of passionate love, people sometimes need to get angry at each other, but envy certainly does not contribute to a romantic mood. Unfortunately, it is difficult for us to admit that we are somehow worse than a woman, that the chosen one is almost perfect and easily brings to life what we only dream of. Especially when it comes to our traditional area of mammoth hunting.

🧿We don't see them as women.

Some psychologists say that men often do not perceive a self-made woman as the fair sex. Even a sexy outfit does not always arouse desire. First of all, for many of us, such persons are competitors. You have to fight with them for tasty contracts, fight for promotion and even for a place in the parking lot. And it is accompanied by stuffed bumps and crushed self-esteem.

Consider us cavemen, but for most of us, a girl is a fragile and delicate creature that needs to be protected and protected. If such a flower changes a flat tire better than you, earns many times more and is ready to get into a fight in a crisis situation, then you involuntarily wonder - why did she, in fact, give up a man?

🧿Can't curb selfishness

A strong person with a steel character and an iron will has a hard time, regardless of gender. Potential soul mates are not only afraid of them, but they get along very poorly with them. Still, because of innate egoism, people prefer to be in the center of attention themselves. With us men, it gets even worse.

Often we put our business, our work, our hobby and, in general, our life in the first place. Accordingly, many at home need a muse, an editor, a supply manager or a housekeeper, and not a potential rival for a place at the top of fame. A successful business woman and other similar types will definitely not adapt to us. They have something to do without these nonsense.

🧿Not ready to come to terms with their self-sufficiency

Strong women, for the most part, can do without a strong male shoulder. They do not succumb to everyday difficulties, cope with raising children alone, know how to choose a car, and even for sexual relaxation, they find their own options. No, they will not refuse if a man appears nearby who will understand, help, appreciate, love, but they will not be very upset if he is not there yet.

For some reason, not every male is ready to accept the role of a pleasant, but optional bonus.

We as such a character feel uncomfortable. It begins to seem to us that a woman deprives us of such primordially masculine attributes as an adjustable wrench, electrical tape and the meaningful “I will do it tomorrow.” And without this, we have only one way - to the kitchen.
