The reason for fear lies in how we perceive the world. Often we are not afraid of the mistake itself, but of its consequences, which we may not be able to cope with. Someone can't bear the thought that the attitude of the people around him will change. Someone is afraid that, having left the comfort zone, they will not be able to return back or create new convenient circumstances. And someone has an exaggerated sense of guilt and shame, and any hint of his imperfection causes unbearable pain. Mistakes can be helpful? Undoubtedly. They teach us to think critically and realistically assess our strengths and circumstances. The ability to admit your guilt and take responsibility for a bad deed means that you have reached a certain level of maturity. And the search for a non-standard solution to the problem helps to look at the world from a different angle, which develops creative thinking. In addition, our mistakes make us more forgiving of others: no one is perfect. Unfortunately, generations X and Y were raised with the idea of being infallible: they were taught from childhood that they must avoid mistakes at all costs in order to succeed in life. And the worst thing about being afraid to make a mistake is the disappearance of the creative flow. In conditions when people are afraid to make a mistake, they do not feel the courage to experiment, to change their habitual way of life. Therefore, many representatives of these generations work for years at unloved jobs, live with unloved people in cities that they have long ceased to like. Another reason for the fear of making a mistake is high expectations. If life is measured by the categories of "white and black", "good and evil", then it will turn into a pursuit of the ideal. The more you go to extremes, the less likely you are to achieve the expected result. And this means that everything will be perceived as a mistake (not reflecting reality and progress). But underestimating one's capabilities is also a cause of fear, which leads to the error of inaction. We don’t study, we don’t get the experience appropriate for the situation and age, we are afraid to take on something because of the fear of doing something bad. At first glance, it may seem that if you do nothing, you will not make a mistake, but a missed opportunity is a mistake: we didn't realize our potential and didn't receive a reward. Nobody is immune from mistakes. Not everyone sees their mistakes as failures. Once upon a time, Thomas Edison was sympathized with: the scientist had to conduct a lot of experiments before the light bulb lit up. To which the inventor replied: “I didn't suffer defeat. I just found ten thousand ways that don't work."
Life is not an end result, but a movement towards a goal. Sometimes what seemed important loses its meaning, and new priority tasks appear that overshadow previous dreams. And difficulties are fickle - a mistake becomes history, without which the path to success would be impossible.
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