Kindling the fire, how to bring passion back into a relationship?
id: 10049724

At the very beginning of a relationship, you feel a surge of strength and emotions, it seems to you that everything will work out, that you can do everything, and the object of your passion is the most desirable person.
And it seems to you that it will always be like this, but the harsh realities of our life and living together show us that over time, feelings subside.
For many, this becomes a real test, and for many, the "Beginning of the End." I'll tell you why a decrease in passion and emotions is actually normal.
People begin to live together, get married, have children, take loans, share responsibilities. In a word, "everyday life" begins in a relationship, it is then the root of evil, which is blamed for all problems and divorces.
But if you look deeper, you can see that the "everyday life" is not always to blame for the fact that people disperse.
The problem of decreasing interest in intimacy with a partner is described very well in the book "How a Woman Wants." In the collected stories, it tells why the passion between partners fades away, how to cope with it and return passion to the relationship between partners.
The main principles are: Relationship of sexual temperaments. A change in the context of relationships, an illusion when partners begin to take each other for granted, the needs of partners in a couple are no longer perceived and satisfied.
Unwillingness to transform relationships, because every day cannot be like a holiday.
The fading of old age and emotions in a couple is rather not a matter of gender, but rather the emotional state and maturity of partners.
So how do you get the passion back?
This question is asked by many couples when confronted with such a question. Do not rush and try to revive past feelings and emotions with the help of thrills, first of all it is worth talking to find out at what point in life events occurred that allowed their former passion to fade away.
Everyone has their own route on this path of transformation and knowledge, the main thing is to be patient.
Today, there are many "ready-made solutions" for partners who are faced with the problem of reducing desire, from erotic games to psychological training and family therapies.
There are two main strategies for couples, this is a strategy of rapprochement, it is suitable for couples who take each other for granted, the biggest problem in a long-term relationship is that a partner seeks security and stability - this is love and support. But at the same time, they also strive for something new - passion and attraction.
In order to preserve these components, partners need to distance themselves, to have personal space for everyone. Thus, by maintaining distance and independence from a partner, you are in a state of excitement and instability, which is suitable for rekindling the flame in a relationship.
The second strategy is rapprochement, sometimes passion and emotions leave a couple when there is not enough closeness and trust between partners. In this concept, there is a constant search for compromises, spending time together, getting to know a partner even after many years together.
Both of these strategies are relevant and applicable, the choice is in favor of each depends on the view of each partner, age and attraction. someone is important passion, search, sharp emotions. And for whom passion is the ability to be together and enjoy the moment here and now.
