We often think - what is the Soul? Where does she live, what does she look like and how does she exist? How to feel it, and does it exist at all? These questions are asked by our mind, with its help we try to reason, fantasize, thinking about things about which we have no idea.
If you try to imagine that Mind and Soul are real people who are forced to exist together, then everything falls into place.
Two people: one adult (Mind), and the other - a baby (Soul) live in the same room (human body). And everyone has their own interests. An adult solves life's problems, and a kid constantly wants to be played with him. He is happy because nothing bothers him and nothing hurts. Let's look at them in detail.
So Mind is a grumpy old nanny who knows what's best. She stubbornly holds the Soul by the hand, not allowing it to take what it wants.
The soul is a naive child, without perseverance and will, who just wants to be happy. Here and now. She does not understand why she has to give up happiness. She wants to be happy unconditionally. And he suffers because he cannot be heard. Her voice is too quiet. She quietly waits, without scandal and without insisting.
Alas, the Mind cannot hear the Soul. He is too focused on what and how to do it. He is sharp, his voice is loud, and his movements and actions are precise and specific. However, he often doubts that the goal is achievable. Therefore, the Mind, before taking a step towards action, carefully checks and weighs everything. He is constantly on the move and he is not up to rest and not to sentiment. He, unlike the Soul, does not fly in the clouds, but stands firmly on the ground. Mind does not let anyone into its inner world and is not interested in the inner world of others. He responsibly treats what he does and is always confident in his own rightness. Only he, in his personal opinion, knows what is best for the Soul.
The mind often pulls at the Soul, saying that in order to be happy, one must try, work or wait. Now is not the time and we can't afford to be happy just yet. Mind is the Soul in the past, which simply forgot what childhood is. He grew up and matured. A fanatic who believes in himself, but doubts that the goal is achievable.
The mind, in order to be happy, needs certain conditions that cannot be met right now. Conditions are not necessary for the Soul. She is ready to be happy, she does not doubt and does not hope. She just knows, only someone constantly holds her hand tightly.
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