Difficulties in life are usually associated with despair or emotional abuse. When we cannot get what we want, our psyche falls into a state of frustration, resources are not spent rationally, emotions of anger arise, which are soon replaced by apathy.
It is quite easy to get into such a situation, and at this moment the support of loved ones is extremely important, since frustration itself is already a heavy burden for the psyche. If no help comes from outside, and even worse, if a person is faced with additional pressure, the situation can turn into a critical one.
The first and foremost component of support is the absence of any form of emotional abuse such as ignoring, devaluing and blaming. This will already be enough to alleviate the condition of the partner.
It is enough to say magic - "I understand you, I see how important it is for you, I believe in you. An emotional monologue should be listened to, because for a person speech is one of the most powerful tools for unloading the psyche. Creating an emotional comfort zone is one of the best ways to support.
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