Benefits of reading books.
id: 10043480

It is reliably known that reading books directly affects the development of the imagination. Imagination is the ability of the mind to create and manipulate images, representations and ideas. Imagination plays a key role in mental processes such as modeling, planning, creativity and memory. In a broad sense, every process that takes place "in images" is imagination. So reading books is one of the most effective ways to develop the imagination. After all, in the process of getting to know the plot, our brain draws us pictures that the eye does not see in reality. We imagine what certain characters look like, in what environment the actions take place, and so on and so forth. An interesting fact is that, as a rule, people who read are more confident in themselves. This is due to the fact that a well-read person is more erudite, and is able to identify and defend his point of view in almost any discussion. Moreover, if a reader is not aware of a topic, he will be able, as they say, to “orient himself along the way”, since his mental abilities are quite highly developed. All these things on a subconscious level make a person more confident in himself, his knowledge and abilities. As a result, his self-esteem is at an adequate level.
In the age of high technology and super speeds, it is increasingly difficult for a person to concentrate on one thing. The notorious multitasking, which is somewhat of a fiction, makes it difficult for people to concentrate. Perseverance and calm concentration become rare, giving way to constant fussiness and superficiality. It is believed that one of the most important factors for the effective development of personality is the ability to focus on one thing for a long time. Reading is the best way to develop this skill. After all, our brain, carried away by the storyline, is completely focused on the event being described. The more regularly you read, the more your brain gets used to focusing on one thing for an ever longer period of time. This is an extremely important skill that anyone can develop.
