It often happens that people who have been in a relationship for many years forget that they are not only spouses, but also lovers. Usually the following signs become an alarming bell:
- after work, you prefer not to talk, but to go about your own business or watch TV (which in most cases also involves silence).
- on weekends you avoid each other and spend time separately: the girl devotes time to her friends and yoga, and the guy to the gym and football.
- at the same time, hugs and kisses are as rare guests in your house as conversations.
If you understand that you're getting bored with each other, that living together is more like having two neighbors, then the "2-2-2" rule is created just for you. You should not wait until it comes to a break - as soon as you notice that the connection with your partner is disappearing, do everything to return the former spark to the relationship and realize that you have no one closer to your chosen one.
Every two weeks
So, the first 2 in the rule means dinner at a restaurant every two weeks. Remember the last time the two of you went further than the park, market or store? And when did you make a romantic surprise for your soulmate? If your answer is “for my birthday” or “I don’t remember,” then it’s time to introduce the tradition of having a joint dinner at a restaurant twice a month. It is very important to book a table in advance so that on Day X you do not have to waste time looking for a new cafe that will have free seats. ness always plays into the hands of relationships. There is another advantage to such dates: you get the opportunity to change your T-shirt and sweatpants for beautiful outfits and present yourself in front of each other in all its glory. In addition, ordering pizza at home always smoothly flows into mindless TV watching, and in a cafe you can devote time exclusively to each other. And do not forget about the diversity - the four walls of your apartment, which you see every day, sooner or later get bored, and the only desire is to break out into people.
Every two months
The second 2 is the joint weekend. Don't plan anything for this weekend: take the kids to grandma's, forget about cleaning and cooking, turn off your phones and devote 48 hours exclusively to each other. You can walk all day, taking a break for coffee and pizza, or look into the shopping center in the morning and have fun there until the evening. The ideal option is to go to another city where you have never been before. Close your eyes, put a map on the table and blindly choose the location where you will spend your mini-vacation.
Use this time to your advantage. Don't discuss business or what wallpaper to choose for the kitchen - this is what you talk about every day at home. Choose deeper conversation topics that will help you see your partner from a different perspective. Remember what you have long wanted to say to your soulmate, but didn't have enough time to share your feelings with each other. If philosophical talk is not for you or you just want to make your holiday active, rent bicycles and go for a walk. Do not invite your friends with you - this day is only yours. In winter, you can go to the skating rink or spend a weekend in the mountains skiing. There are a lot of options, the main thing is to choose an activity that will be interesting to both partners. It is very important that you enjoy not only communication with each other, but also everything that happens in general.
Every two years
The last 2 in the list is a joint vacation every two years. It's good if you're always on vacation as a couple, but if you've only traveled abroad with your kids or friends lately, it's time to spend time exclusively with your significant other.
Put down your phones, surf the Internet just to find the desired attraction on the map, talk more often and look into each other's eyes. Walk hand in hand, fool around in the sea, and draw some funny figures on each other's backs with sunblock. Create memories that will belong exclusively to you.
Take pictures, capture the most memorable moments on camera, but don't rush to post them on the Internet. It’s better to look at everything that happened when you get home. This way you will refresh your memories after your vacation and will be able to choose the best shots for social networks without compromising your personal time with each other.
The great thing about the "2-2-2" rule is that you can always change it. Add your own items directly related to your relationship and brighten up every day you spend with your loved one.
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