How to keep the passion in a relationship?
id: 10050745

Love is eager to know everything, but desire does not live without riddles and suspense. Love shortens the distance between partners, but the desire goes out in the absence of such a distance. Intimacy arises on the basis of routine, and eroticism is dulled by repetition. To maintain sexual desire, mystery, novelty, surprise are needed.

Love strives to have - it is important for desire to want. Desire requires that the object of attention should always slip away and remain somewhat inaccessible. It's not so important what has already happened - much more significant is what can still happen. And all too often, partners become entangled in the comfort that love brings, and forget that the fire of desire needs to be maintained. And there is no combustion without air.

Here are the nuances to follow:

🚩Romantics and realists 🕯💐
Romantics do not need a life without passion. They are in constant search of someone next to whom their desire will be eternal. When the desire passes, they decide that love is gone too. Realists, on the contrary, believe that long-term love is more important than sex. The initial infatuation develops into something else: deep love, mutual respect, a common history.

🚩Harmony 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻
There are lucky ones who do not have difficulties. Such couples put things in order together, and flirt with each other. They do not see the dissonance between fidelity and excitement, responsibility and playfulness. Together they buy a house, but keep their feelings sharp. Having become parents, they remain lovers and successfully combine the routine and the unknown.

🚩Paradox 💭🤔
We cannot choose to inhale only or exhale only, we need both. The same logic governs passion and emotional intimacy. Love and desire are two opposite forces, constantly in conflict and striving for balance. The contradiction between reliability and adventurism is a paradox that requires management.

The attention and protection needed in family life can withstand the rebellious spirit of carnal love. In long-term relationships, we almost always prioritize stability. But eroticism flourishes only on the basis of unpredictability. Desire is incompatible with habit and repetition.

🚩Useful loneliness 🧘🏻‍♀️👩🏻‍🎨💃🏼
We want intimacy to protect ourselves from loneliness. But space and distance are necessary to maintain eroticism, and for this you need to get out of your comfort zone in the shadow of a partner and feel somewhat lonely. Instead of striving for ever greater intimacy, each partner must develop as a person.

If you want to regain lightness and drive in a relationship, you must free yourself - both emotionally and from a domestic point of view - from disproportionate attention to children. It is worth trying regular dates, weekends together, or at least half an hour in the car - the most important thing is to find a way to fence off your own erotic space.
