Why does work have to be fun?
id: 10043450

1. Work is slavery.
It is our nature's way of thinking that in order to be successful we have to work hard. Confusing duty with vocation, you limit yourself to a place where pleasure is out of the question.
2. Vocation does not bring money.
People who think of work as a vocation derive pleasure from the work process itself. Status and money are just a pleasant addition. But it is precisely this attitude that can lead to well-being and harmony.
3. Searching for yourself is a waste of time.
Many people think that the main goal of work is to make money. However, in any field, it is important for a person to be happy in the first place.

So why should work bring pleasure?
Many people find it difficult enough to make money without putting in a lot of effort. But if they lead to the desired goals and give a feeling of joy, it indicates the right choice of profession. If a person constantly feels exhausted and depressed, then even with a large income he will not be satisfied with the results. And over time it can affect productivity, nervous state and health in general.
Choose a job based on interests, not monetary well-being. Then there will be both finances and joy ;)
