Two rules that will change your love life forever
id: 10051054

It should be easy from the start. From the first minutes.

The person with whom you immediately feel like old acquaintances suits you more than the one who has to be courted for years. The guy you're ready to go on a date with fifteen minutes after meeting is better than the guy you've been writing letters to for seven years with no response. A girl who immediately shows interest in you is better than an impregnable beauty who needs to be taken to the Bahamas.

Simple means good. Difficult means bad. This is an axiom. You don't have to prove it.

In general, you don’t have to prove anything in a relationship at your own expense. Having done this once, you will do it every day, and in return you will see only a capricious displeased face. If it didn’t work right away, didn’t catch fire, didn’t light up, don’t pull the cat by the tail. So it's not your person. Difficult relationships are only suitable for those who are bored and have a lot of free time.
Don't take on difficult relationships. Relationships in which you only realize that you are dancing to someone else's tune are humiliating. Sooner or later, your patience will run out. Don't wait until you see it.

Rule number two, but no less important. Relationships should be fun

This statement also needs no proof. As soon as the relationship ceased to bring joy, and began to bring muck, stop this phenomenon in the bud.
Do not get used to showdowns, tears and breaking dishes. Leave long conversations, reproaches, mutual accusations. This not normal. As soon as joy disappears from relationships, they become useless. It would seem much easier.
But many people spend years discussing their grievances. They occupy their minds with unnecessary squabbles. Do not do this.

Relationships are for joy. All other relationships “for the sake of children”, “because everyone lives like that”, “out of habit”, “because it’s even worse without it” can simply be taken and taken to the trash.

For me, there are only two main rules. Do you agree with them?
