5 scientifically proven ways to make your life happier
id: 10038609

🔸Devote at least two hours a week to others❤️

You may be surprised to learn that you can feel happier spending money on others than buying something for yourself. In 2012, a study was conducted, the participants of which were divided into two groups. Each group of participants was given money. The first group was asked to spend it on themselves, and the second group was asked to buy things for other people. According to the results of the study, people who made purchases for others felt much happier than those who spent money exclusively on themselves.

It is not surprising that among millionaires and billionaires there are so many who are engaged in charity. It helps people feel happier.

Helping others does not necessarily mean spending money on others. You can become, for example, a volunteer. Here is a study conducted in Switzerland that proves:volunteering to help others allows you to be more satisfied with your life.

So, how much time do you need to devote to other people?100 hours a year (or two hours a week). This is the most optimal time that you need to devote to helping others so that you can become happier yourself.

🔸 Don't neglect meditation✨
You've probably heard that meditation is very useful. It helps you to be attentive, focused, calm and, as you guessed, happy.

A group of scientists from Massachusetts studied the effect of meditation on humans. The participants of the experiment meditated for eight weeks, after which they became more calm and inclined to self-knowledge and compassion.

🔸 Be grateful for every little thing😲

Be grateful for all the good things that other people do for you, for everything that is in your life. Many studies prove that gratitude has the most positive effect on a person's life.

So be grateful for every little thing that is in your life, and remember that there are many people in the world who are not as lucky as you.

🔸Life experience. Not things!🤑

Everyone knows that money can't buy happiness. Nevertheless, many continue to buy meaningless expensive trinkets instead of acquiring unforgettable impressions and invaluable life experience. A recent study has proved that people who are used to investing in travel and other activities that help to gain invaluable experience, and not in unnecessary things, feel much happier.

🔸 Love yourself🥰

Based on a very long, almost 80-year—old Harvard study, it was revealed that love is all that a person needs for happiness. Love for others, love for oneself, love for God — in a word, love in all its manifestations.

Self—love is something that modern society has almost forgotten about. Many people eat all sorts of nasty things and do not exercise at all to keep their body in good shape. Well, it's time to fix it.
