For women, the formula for success is not at all reduced to the equation "a dizzying career equals the happiness of fulfilling a dream." While men live mostly in a hierarchical world, women mostly choose to move horizontally within society. It is important for men to build their own table of ranks - to rank everyone by rank, position or status. Women are not in the habit of paying attention to the hierarchy of age or position. There is still a perception among them that they are weak and must unite with each other in order to resist male dominance. But women's solidarity is a double-edged sword. The curse of "you need to be friends with everyone" forces you to communicate with old friends in whom you have long lost interest, and people with whom nothing connects you anymore.
As a result, the difference is small but significant. If a man seeks to develop in such a way that it is noticeable to others, then a woman wants to change from the inside. For men, it is important to make a brilliant career: a new position, an annual bonus, new corporate toys, yachts and other benefits - they seem to be playing a game in which, after scoring points, they move to a new level. Women are much more attracted to the opportunity not to impress, but to live a brilliant life. Many of them think that everything should happen overnight, like Cinderella. You just need to wait a bit, but for now, instead of a boring career, you can choose a friendly team and not particularly dusty work. Men concentrate on their titles and position, and then they need a result. They rejoice when they get power, and women value stability. For women, the result itself is not interesting, they do not have an obsessive desire to bypass all their competitors, which means that the process of achieving the result is important to them. A man is ready to take serious risks for the sake of his career, and women usually do not want to take risks even in small things. It is much more important for them to be sure that after a vacation spent with their children, they will be able to return to their usual place, and also that on the right day it will be possible to go not to work, but to the performance of their child.
It turns out that real success for a woman is a more multifaceted concept. This is not only physical and spiritual health, but also a good intellectual and socio-emotional state. Thanks to Stephen Covey, we can bring all of the above into a more compact model consisting of four short English words: Body, Mind, Heart, Soul 🧘♀️💓✨👁
Four directions are four parts of a single whole, without which it is impossible to carry out the ascent to the cherished dream. You don't have to take it too literally, in the way that men do, that is, as a game where you must definitely score points or win prizes, trying to achieve personal success in clear quantitative terms. Even if you collect a lot of titles like “best mom in the area” and “winner of the best businesswoman of the year 20XX”, this will not make you truly happy, and your life will not be fulfilled.
Stephen Covey's concept deals with the four parts of human nature: body, mind, heart and soul. Body (BODY) is the care of maintaining and developing one's own physical form. Mind (MIND) - the constant development of intelligence through reading, thinking, understanding the world. Heart (HEART) - maintaining healthy and developing relationships with family members, friends, loved ones, environment. Soul (SOUL) - spiritual growth and development through the understanding that we are part of the universe, part of a higher plan.
It is not difficult to catch the idea that we are trying to convey to you by conveying to you the information that all these 4 incarnations should be closely related to each other, success for a woman is a much more complex concept than for a man. If men are ready to recognize as successful even a window cleaner who soared up the career ladder thanks to the will of chance, stupid rules and the whim of the authorities, then it is much more difficult for women.
Even if a woman plays the man's game, hoping to get into the right “cage”, and spends more time at work to the detriment of family affairs, it is not at all a fact that she will be promoted and that she herself needs it.
We noticed that the successful women we interviewed stood out for their belief that their lives had meaning or that they were willing and able to change someone's life for the better. The true happiness and self-realization of a woman, in their opinion, acquired a special depth if a woman became a mother. In this case, a special feeling arises - a sense of one's own significance, a special value in comparison with other people who have not known this happiness. The feeling of the fullness of life and satisfaction with it provides an internal mood for success, for achieving a dream. The feeling of inner success also gives rise to a strong desire to leave a legacy in the form of a child, work and students. “Success is nothing but a mirror image of our successful inner life.”
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