A comprehensive and safe approach to one's own health begins, of course, not with diets and active physical exercises, but with diagnostics. The measurement of body tissue parameters, which is carried out using the InBody body composition analyzer, allows you to get detailed information about the volume of fat and muscle, the presence of visceral deposits, the rate of basal metabolism, bone mass and water balance in the body — the ratio of intracellular and total amount of fluid in the body. Since the salt and fluid content in the body is a variable value, there are two factors of water consumption: on normal days and on days of additional load. The next important point is what exactly a person drinks. Half of the volume of liquid consumed per day should be pure water, not juices, tea, coffee! Based on the conducted research and the collected anamnesis, the doctor gives recommendations for the most effective training regimens, nutrition and drinking balance. When you know how to do it right, it's easier to follow it. For the normal functioning of all organs and systems, it is important how much water and salts enter the body, and how much they are excreted. In order for the water-salt balance to be normal, the volume of water and salt consumption must be balanced. As the great Hippocrates taught us, "the same substance can be both medicine and poison, it's all about the dose." The problem is that when there is a lack of salt, sodium is washed out from us. It's inevitable. And NaCl is the most important electrolyte, "responsible" for the water exchange between cells and the intercellular space, participates in the processes of cellular metabolism, regulates the activity of the nervous system. Therefore, if there is not enough sodium, the body begins to retain water — this is how edema occurs. This is if you completely abandon salt. And now let's assume that we drink little water. When the water balance is normal, the amount of fluid released by the body is adequate to the incoming volume — these processes are balanced. If the amount of water consumed is insufficient, the balance will be negative, which means that the volume slows down