In fact, women and girls don't expect anything unusual from you. Majority. Yes, there may be some individual characteristics, but they are more an addition than a clarification to the situation. Therefore, I will list what is valuable for most of the female half and what will help you get closer to becoming the best for a girl:
✅🔆 It is well known that women love with their ears, in fact, this is the case. Nice words to the place, regular compliments in her taste will help in achieving the goal, will help to warm up the situation. But words are a delicate matter, here you need not to overdo it and do it so that everything sounds natural and sincere. Therefore, it is good to celebrate the good in it, what is really good, and what, in fact, at one time or another, you like very much in it. It can be either a beautiful dress or a successful photo on the web, or a witty phrase, the choice of a particular musical composition, etc. D. In general, everything that has a real relation to it. And since "the devil manifests himself in little things," it is the small details that will help to regularly and competently "caress" her with attention and sympathy.
✅🔆If a girl loves gifts and flowers, give her both. Do you want to surprise and impress? Fill it with flowers. It is important to take into account her love for a particular species when choosing flowers, and if you don't know about it for any reason, then give her at least one flower every time (just one or necessarily in a bouquet) of a certain kind, which will create the effect of repeatability and memorability. It's good if it has any meaning that you can later tell the girl about in order to strengthen her sense of how attentive you are to her.
✅🔆Arranging a date is suitable in any situation, even if you have a long-term relationship. But it is important to voice and position this particular meeting as a date. This will allow you to reconsider the relationship anew and warm up your partner.
✅🔆Small and big feats still take place in the hearts of the female half, no matter how frivolous it may sound, and how many of the women did not give up this position. Here you can entrust your console or car to a girl, do something complicated at her request, achieve some results in something and then show her that it was done for her, since she once dropped such a phrase..
✅🔆Simple attention, which consists in an explicit and open demonstration of feelings, causes delight in most girls. They like it to be presented in such a way that not only she herself, but also the people around her could see it. The inscription in front of the window: "Good morning, beloved!", a public declaration of love, etc.
✅🔆Make surprises based on her wishes and preferences. It's not difficult to find out what she likes and what she wants from information even from those social networks. A favorite author and his style, musical compositions, interests, even dreams of going somewhere - all this can be used competently in the right direction. Only it is advisable to do this as a surprise, and not a pre-planned action together.
✅🔆Of course, in order to become the best for a girl, you often have to go to extremes. Most of them want you, if not planned, then clearly wanted children from her in the future. She should know about this, so you need to present this information to her correctly. But do not rush to the events themselves, if this is undesirable or not possible in the near future for any reason.
It is clear that being the best for a girl for a long time is not just difficult, but almost impossible. After all, being a prototype of a slave is still most often not to the liking of a normal person. Moreover, you also have your own desires, which, for sure, differ from the desires of your girlfriend, no matter how beloved she is.
Therefore, depending on the goals, you can dose the above tips. Or, in contrast, apply them in life for any time period strenuously and straight in a row until you get something concrete that you did not expect from.
It turns out that in order to become the best for a girl, you should not be wise, since everyone loves attention, everyone wants to be the only one, loved, needed, understood, etc. But it is worth understanding that if you decide to rush into such a fight, then you will have to restrain your own desires and focus on her personal interests and preferences, which can sometimes go against yours.
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