Why should work be fun?
id: 10050876

Subsequently, rather unpleasant symptoms may occur, for example:
1 - sense of anxiety;
2- susceptibility to nervous breakdowns;
4-family relationship problems.
We devote a third of our lives to work, so we simply have to make sure that it does not cause moral and psychological discomfort.
The type of activity should fit into the personal characteristics of a person and perform the following functions:
1-satisfy needs;
2-match the rhythm of life;
3-maintain individuality;
4-promote spiritual and professional development;
5-motivate to achieve goals.

Only under such conditions can harmony be found in the main aspects of life.

I hope that this information will be very useful for you! Appreciate yourself and your time, think positively and do not forget that everything you do should be fun!
Yours sincerely, Marina!
