id: 10043480

Stubby was an ordinary stray puppy that Private John Robert Conroy picked up near the Yale campus in 1917.
In general, animals are prohibited from being on the territory of the regiment, but an exception was made for the dog, who supported the morale of the soldiers.
Very quickly, as it is not surprising for a dog, Stubby learned to walk with a drill step, recognize the sound of a bugle, and even salute by bringing his front right paw to his eyebrows!
Stubby was allowed to stay with the soldiers in the line of fire. He was wounded during a gas attack. Due to this, the dog became very sensitive to the smell of gas. He sensed it in advance, barked, and thereby saved the soldiers.
Once morning. When the soldiers were still sleeping, a gas attack began, smelling the gas, Stubby began to run along the trenches, barking, biting the sleeping soldiers, trying with all his might to wake them up. He saved so many lives that morning.
Once Stubby was even able to detain a German intelligence officer - he bit the enemy, and barking, he called the soldiers to him, who arrested the spy.
At the end of the war, Stubby took part in 17 battles, while also raising morale in the hospital of his wounded friends.
For all his merits, Stubby was awarded the rank of sergeant. He had many awards. But the greatest award was the gold medal of the Society for the Liberal Education of the United States, which he was honorably awarded in 1921.
The dog and faithful friend died in the arms of his loving owner in 1926, but the hero is still remembered.
