Moving abroad - is it happiness or a test??
id: 10045834

Many people move to another country in search of a new life. Some praise local life, showing its best sides, while others understand that in a foreign country everything is wrong and they give up their dreams.

Having moved to another city, you find yourself in a completely different world - different people, different architecture, even just life is arranged in a completely different way. A person is in a position, in fact, everything surprises and delights a tourist!

Such an unusual environment pleases and inspires, it begins to seem that he has achieved a lot by moving and now the sea is a generation for him and the mountains can be rolled up.

But it seems so only at first glance, because in addition to the "beautiful", a person also faces a number of other everyday problems. He begins to think that he is alone in this vast world, begins to get nervous, stressed and closes in himself, as in a shell.

Of course, it is not so easy to get out of this state alone, but you need to be above this and understand: why was this move necessary ?! Maybe this is an old dream or you came in search of a new life. It all depends on you, you need to overcome your fear. Tell myself that I can and I can handle everything. No need to sit still and do nothing, so you definitely will not wait for help. We need to act.

When a person overcame his fear and spent enough time in a new place, he got acquainted with the local culture, he already breathes easier. Everyday problems no longer terrify, friends and acquaintances appear, relationships at work are improved.

The world ceases to seem incomprehensible, there are some opportunities for self-realization, as well as an interest in trying something new in a new place.

Everyone has the right to live where they can afford. We were given the freedom to pursue happiness wherever we can go, fly, swim - to get it.

So be happy and follow your dreams!!🙏💥
