They did everything right: they flew abroad, roasted themselves in the sun, bought bright fashionable things, took selfies against the backdrop of foreign beauties, returned home satisfied and tired. Exactly tired, but with a lot of impressions, well, if positive. Often, after returning from warm countries to a cool climate, people begin to get sick. Someone is tormented by a runny nose, someone is coughing, a third has blocked ears. But there are more difficult problems...
And the failed vacationer went to work rested, no less tanned, satisfied and, not least, recharged with health. Everything is explained simply. Climate change for a short period of time does not pass without a trace for our body. And if the immune system is weak, problems begin.
So do not tear your hair, do not blame fate, but calmly think over an approximate vacation plan. Try to make the best use of your time. It does not matter what time of the year you are given a vacation, it is important to spend it in a good mood.
You have the opportunity these days to sleep peacefully, not rushing to do household chores, take care of yourself, remember your desires and hobbies. During this period, you can communicate more with your children, spouse. This is important for strengthening the family.
Psychologists advise to have more rest in the first days of vacation. If you want to sleep, sleep. Get up later in the morning, rest in the afternoon. Don't worry about sleeping through your entire vacation. After three days, the body will rest, and the desire to sleep during the day will disappear.
If you have a garden or cottage, of course, you will not be bored. But still, do not devote your entire vacation only to your favorite beds. Leave time for yourself.
Remember how you wanted to go shopping without haste. Now there is nothing stopping you from doing it. Walk through the shops that you have long wanted to look into, but time did not allow.
Haven't called a relative or a friend for a long time? Brew a cup of fragrant tea, open a bar of high-quality chocolate or put fragrant dried fruits on a beautiful saucer, take all this splendor to a pre-cleaned balcony or loggia, sit in an armchair and pick up a smartphone ...
Make time for self-development. On the Internet, there are a lot of videos and audios on personal growth, getting rid of complexes, raising self-esteem, learning a foreign language ...
If you wanted to get a driving license, it's time to take a course. Even if you don’t have time to complete the training during your vacation, get involved in the process and calmly finish the courses after returning to work.
Remember how you wanted to read a good book, but could not find the time. Now there is an opportunity to fulfill the plan.
Watch good movies, but not melodramas. Remember the names of the main characters of the melodrama you watched yesterday. I don't think you remember. A good film remains in the memory for a long time, sometimes forever. Type in the search engine “films-winners of festivals” and you will definitely find a worthwhile film.
If possible, be sure to go out into nature. Great if you can get away for a few days. Resting in a tent on the shore of a pond will give a lot of great sensations. Of course, if the company is worthy, and you were able to equip yourself with a fairly comfortable camping life!
Vacation in winter? Ski, walk in the parks, breathe in the healing winter air!
Don't forget to visit the beauty salon. If not possible, then a hairdresser.
At home, without haste, arrange aroma baths for yourself. Remember the deposits of medicinal herbs. Prepare decoctions and add them to the bath. For these purposes, linden blossom, currant and cherry leaves, mint, lemon balm, sage are very suitable.
With such decoctions, diluted with water, it is good to rinse your hair after washing.
If you carry out at least five such procedures for the body and hair, pleasant changes in appearance will surprise you. Don't be lazy! Do not excuse yourself with lack of time, do not deceive yourself.
Find time for light gymnastics and even yoga. Find a course for yoga beginners on the Internet, choose the type of training that suits you and go!
Be sure to arrange a tour of your city. I am sure there are places in it that you have not visited for a long time or have never been at all.
Be sure to go to the theater, cinema.
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