Unusual red rain began to fall in Kerala on July 25, 2001 in the Kotayam and Iduki districts in the southern part of the state. Some reports said that, in addition to red, other colors of rain were also seen: yellow, green and black. Many reports of red rain were received from the public over the next ten days, and then, with decreasing frequency, until the end of September. According to local residents, the first colored rain was preceded by a loud clap of thunder and a flash of light. At the same time, dry gray leaves fell off the trees. Locals have reported dried leaves and sudden well formations around the same time. The reason for the coloring of the rain is the red particles that were in the rainwater in the form of a suspension. The color was often similar to the color of blood. Colored rain fell over an area of no more than a few square kilometers, and sometimes in such localized fashion that normal rain could fall several meters away from red rain. Red showers usually lasted no more than 20 minutes.
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