Several ways to improve the mood for those who got up on the wrong foot
id: 10051054

One word

We all know about the power of the word, thanks to which we can change our attitude towards reality. So why not use it to overcome apathy and cheer yourself up? It is enough just to choose one word that will serve as a kind of guiding star for you, guiding you in difficult times. It can be relaxing and pacifying (peace, harmony, light) or, conversely, invigorating (drive, energy). Write the chosen word on a piece of paper and put it in your diary. You can also stick a sticker with motivation on your work computer. Look at it when you feel low or in doubt. Believe me, even one small word can inspire you and change your day for the better.

Five Minute

You can feel harmony within yourself only if you restore the connection between the soul and the body. However, daily worries sometimes do not allow us to slow down and listen to the inner voice. We find time for work, household chores, communication with friends, solving family problems, but we forget about our own needs. The habit of stopping, taking a deep breath and analyzing your condition is very useful. Start small: the body often gives clues about the emotions we are experiencing. Try to notice and decipher them. For example, if your shoulders are tight and your body is hunched, it could mean that you are tense or feeling stressed. A clenched jaw may indicate anger, and discomfort in the stomach may indicate fear.
These are just assumptions, because we are all different and each person has his own relationship with the body. But is this not a reason to “make friends” with your body and get to know it better in order to learn how to correctly decipher the signals it gives? Of course, it will take you time to master this skill perfectly, but you need to start somewhere: relax if you feel tense, massage your stiff neck, take a deep breath - and your mood will immediately become better.


An article was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine with the results of studies that confirmed that cardio training has a positive effect on mood. The experiment involved a group of patients with depression. The scientists suggested that they take a 30-minute walk every day. After ten days, the participants reported that their health improved markedly, and a medical examination confirmed this.
Harvard Medical School also conducted a similar study, which found that an hour of walking a day reduced the risk of depression by 26%. Author Carmel Choi, of the Harvard Public Health Institute, says you don't need to spend hours doing aerobics or running a marathon to cheer yourself up. It is enough to add walking to your daily routine and climb the stairs instead of using the elevator. Even a little cleaning can drive away sad thoughts.
Choose the load that is closer to you: running, dancing, walking, cycling, active games. You will see, it will have a positive effect not only on mood, but also on general well-being, because it is not in vain that they say that sport is life.

Hug magic

When we are nervous or fearful, the body releases the stress hormone cortisol. Its excess leads to fatigue, apathy, exhaustion of the body and inability to control one's emotions. There are many ways to normalize cortisol levels: proper nutrition, physical activity, healthy sleep. However, we advise you to additionally practice hugging. They lead to the production of oxytocin, the hormone of happiness. Thanks to touch, our mood improves and even immunity is strengthened.
This was confirmed by the results of a study published in the international scientific journal PLOS One. The experiment was conducted by psychologists Michael Murphy and Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University and Denise Janicki-Deverts of the University of Pittsburgh. They reported that people who cuddled frequently with others after a conflict were more likely to regain a positive attitude. At the same time, the hugs of not only a partner, but also relatives, friends and just acquaintances had a positive effect on a person.
If there is no person around to hug, make up for the lack of touch in other ways: sign up for a massage, pet a dog or cat, go to couple dances.

Gratitude and kindness

In most cases, we focus on what we receive from others, not paying attention to the things we give in return. But by helping others, we help ourselves. Do you want to check it out? Then try spontaneously showing kindness to the other person when you're in a bad mood. Kindness is uplifting, so the more you show it, the better you feel.
As for gratitude, the situation is similar with it. It stimulates the brain to produce antidepressant neurotransmitters, which makes us happier. Alex Korb, PhD, neuroscientist and author of The Ascending Spiral, says everything is connected: “Grateful people sleep better. Sleep reduces pain. The less pain, the better the mood. A good mood reduces the level of anxiety, which means you can focus on business. Concentration helps to make the right decisions, which, in turn, cause pleasure. When we feel satisfied, we feel a surge of gratitude. Thus, a new round of the upward spiral is being created.

Social media filter

The habit of aimlessly flipping through social networks and news sites sometimes plays a cruel joke with us. After such a pastime, our consciousness, imperceptibly to ourselves, is replenished with images and conversations about suffering and loss. Try to protect yourself from this as much as possible. Pay attention to those resources and people who inspire you, fill you with energy and hold views close to you.
If you want to watch something before bed, pay attention to your mood and decide which genre best suits your current needs. For example, if you feel sad, watch a comedy show or comedy. It sounds trite, but laughter can really work wonders.

Book and cup of tea

Many people believe that the removal of psychological stress requires a long time and serious effort on their part. In fact, you can improve your well-being in 10 minutes. David Lewis, a neurocognitive psychologist, conducted a study in which he found that reading helps reduce stress levels by up to 68%. Just six minutes spent in the company of a book slows down the heart rate and reduces muscle tension. Tea also helps in the fight against bad mood - it reduces cortisol levels by 54%. If you combine these two activities, you will surely feel more calm and peaceful.
