Do you love balloons?
id: 10049429

Have you ever been given many, many, many balloons?
Different-different? And transparent, and shiny and round, and in the form of cartoon characters?
And all this in one big bundle... there are so many of them that it seems that you can fly away... Fly up and soar over the city... High, high.
Passers-by look at us and smile, and the wind tears the balloons from their hands, they rustle and clap against each other.
And you can make wishes.
One day my dad gave me a lot of these balloons and said:
Make a wish and release one ball... It will definitely come true. One wish, one balloon...
I'm trying to untie the ball, and the knots are tightening more and more
Maybe my wish is so impossible, I laugh...
And then dad takes out a knife and deftly cuts the rope.
The balloon soars up and, picked up by the wind, somersaults high in the sky.
-That's all - his eyes laugh - Let's go on ...
I don't have that many desires...
And my dad answers me:
- I'll help you... with desires. To wish is to live. Understand? The more desires you have, the greater the thirst for life, desires are the driving force to realize them, you need to do something, do something, learn something, study, change yourself, and by changing yourself, you change the world around, you change your life, you know?
Be bolder - dad cuts off another ball and hands it to me.
- It's easier for you, I answer, you are strong and mature ... you decided - you did it ... and I, what should I do?
- You yourself answered this question, dear, everything is correct, you decided - you did it, this is the whole simple secret of success.
Don't give up on your dreams, always go all the way, believe in your lucky star, but first learn to believe in yourself...
Here is another wish for you. Believe in yourself, says dad.
- You know, dad, sometimes it seems to me that my life has already ended and there will be nothing in it ... especially lately ...
He laughs almost soundlessly, shielding his eyes from the sun with his palm, so contagious that I also begin to smile and be embarrassed because of what stupidity I said
No, honey, you are totally wrong.
Life ends only with death, and even then, this is a very controversial issue, because I personally believe that it is after death that it only begins, and here we get only for a short period of time so that our soul learns something and earthly life compared to eternity, it is only a moment... but even this moment must be lived with dignity, namely, to live, and not to exist.
Each age has its pros and cons, something comes, something goes, something stays with you forever, life is multifaceted, Happiness is not about great accomplishments. It's in the little things, in what surrounds you every day...
Look at the sun, look at the sky, it's not raining today, isn't it great? Then maybe the next desire is to learn how to be happy?...
The next ball flies up.
We walk along the embankment, the wind ruffles my hair...and I'm very happy...
