Disappointment leads to love. Strong, deep, big, real. Divine. When the illusion disintegrates, we have to face what is. With their real partners, parents, children, neighbors, presidents. If the disappointment is truly deep and powerful, our personality reveals its complete helplessness to change anyone, no matter what.
Once disappointment reaches its climax, the world or the other person seems hateful and life unbearable. I want to kill and destroy this world, or die myself. In fact, this is just another illusion, a trick of the mind, which seeks to maintain its power over the soul.
But ... In ordinary life, people rarely reach the orgasm of their relationship. Everything ends with a prelude. People run away having missed the climax, they become afraid to collapse, it becomes unbearable to meet with pain. Although pain is just an awakening of the heart, if you accept it, and do not fight it, do not try to drink, smoke, eat, the heart wakes up, the shell cracks, cosmic relief and healing fills the body and consciousness. Without being able to change this world, we have no choice but to love it, since we are born to love, this is our natural ability. But not to love is a monstrous violence against one's own nature.
We all knew how to do it in childhood. All. Sob from the heart shaking all over, throwing off the sticky shackles of their unfulfilled expectations, sobbing regardless of gender and class, religion and nationality. Cry for love and acceptance. When our consciousness agrees with what is as it is, in fact, we sigh with relief: “Hurrah, freedom! If the world does not obey me, then I can disobey it. I can live without a shell! as I wish."
Disappointment leads to love. Strong, deep, big, real. Divine. Although accepting such love can be unimaginably painful and scary. The deeper and more powerful the disappointment, the stronger the potential of love it conceals in itself. We are made for love. The only obstacle is the possession of illusions. In this case, disappointment is the cure for obsession. A synonym for the word "disappointment" is clarity. When the illusion disintegrates, we have to face what is. And what is created by God. We do not know his plans and incomprehensible his potential, we do not know what we will become and into whom he will turn our partners, if he is not interfered with. One thing is clear - its capabilities and gifts are always more powerful and majestic than our wildest illusions and expectations.
We are not allowed to predict. We can only love, believe and anticipate. When disappointment is exhausted to the bottom (cognac is inexhaustible - and disappointment ends), anticipation begins: "What will the Universe give me today? What mysterious and intimate will it allow me to wake up in me?"
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